The report first focuses on the physical risks and distinguishes:
1. first order impacts, which refer to direct hazards from climate change, and
2. second-order impacts, which include all impacts of climate change on economic, human and ecosystems beyond the boundaries of the corporation.
- Recommendation 1: Assess exposure to all first-order physical climate impacts
- Recommendation 2: Assess physical climate risks over the duration of an asset’s lifetime or over the lifetime of a financial instrument
- Recommendation 3: Disclose locations that are critical to value chains
- Recommendation 4: Provide detailed information on the financial impacts of recent extreme weather events
- Recommendation 5: Disclose the impacts of weather variability on value chains
- Recommendation 6: Perform forward-looking assessments of physical climate risks. The report suggest the following metrics for projected impacts:
– the number of sites and business lines exposed to relevant climate impacts;
– the projected changes in production, revenues, operational expenditure or capital expenditure due to climate change;
– value-at-risk from probabilistic estimates (for example, 1:100 or 1:200) of extreme weather event disruption to operations or production, key suppliers, customers or markets;
– annual average losses from projected climate impacts.
Recommendation 7: Describe risk management processes for physical climate change impacts
The report identifies three types of opportunities:
1. Opportunities related to managing existing physical climate risks;
2. Opportunities to respond to new emerging physical climate risks;
3. Opportunities to adapt to market shifts driven by physical climate impacts and cater to any resulting new market needs.
- Recommendation 8: Identify opportunities based on managing physical climate risks and related market shifts
- Recommendation 9: Assess physical climate opportunities over timeframes relevant to business planning
- Recommendation 10: Disclose physical climate opportunities for business at the segment level; for critical facilities, disclose climate resilience benefits at the facility level
- Recommendation 11: Disclose benefits from climate resilience investments using the same metrics as for the disclosure of physical climate risks
- Recommendation 12: Include physical climate opportunities for business in qualitative disclosures
Recommendation 13: Consider current and desired GHG concentration pathways and related warming projections as a basis for scenario analysis of physical climate risks and opportunities - Recommendation 14: Integrate scenario analysis of physical climate risks and opportunities into existing planning processes to ensure strategic, flexible and resilient businesses and investments
- Recommendation 15: Avoid standardised scenario analysis in order to have a more comprehensive range of outcomes
- Recommendation 16: Consider data from a wide variety of sources and scales when developing scenario analysis of physical climate risks
- Recommendation 17: Take account of scientific uncertainty inherent in climate data and in scenario analysis of physical climate risks and opportunities
- Recommendation 18: Disclose qualitative information that is relevant to the company and its investors