GCF 101 is simple. Four distinct chapters address the different opportunities the Fund provides to help developing countries respond to climate change: (1) Empowering countries; (2) Getting Accredited; (3) Funding projects; and (4) Implementing projects.
Each chapter provides a short overview, a simple step-by-step guide explaining how to apply or access the Fund; and a series of frequently asked questions that tease out more information. Through this approach, the guide increases clarity on the Fund’s main processes as well as transparency.
GCF 101 uses non-technical language to make GCF processes easy to understand for non-expert audiences. This approach accords with the GCF mandate to support country ownership of climate finance and recognizes the personnel capacity challenges facing many of the targets of GCF support – such as Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and African States.